Monday, September 04, 2006

"Cream soda"

I haven't tasted Dr. Brown's Cream Soda for probably fifty years. (It was a great favorite in The Bronx - there is only one Bronx although it sounds plural - and the Borough was immoratlized by Ogden Nash's line "The Bronx; No thonx")

In any event, I had some today, and I remembered exactly how it tasted. How can that be?

Jude Wanninski was a Visiting Fellow at The American Enterprise Institute for a year or so in the early 1980s, while writing How The World Works (about inflation), a book that was to become seminal.

(For the record: Jude was not one of my favorite people...)

As I have gron older I have come to the conclusion that no one knows how the world works.

I don't.

Do you?



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