Sunday, September 03, 2006

Lucky or smart --- or both.

Click here: - What we have learned since 9/11 - Sep 3, 2006

I don't have the full text, but apparently unremarked-upon is the the near-incredible fact that the U.S. has not been hit again by the Islamo-jihadist-fascist-terrorists.

Much scorn has been dumped upon the Homeland Security Agency, the DSA, the CIA and --- and at the top of the list --- the the incumbent President of the U.S. of A.

Let us not delude ourselves that we are safe from terrorism.

When I worked at the LBJ White House I came to know many of the Secret Service agents. To a man (and a few women) they said that if a person was willing to give up his/her life it was very hard to protect the President.

Rolling a hand grenade into a sidewalk cafe' takes neither high-technology nor brilliant execution.

It hasn't happened for almost five years.

We are lucky and smart.

In what order?


Shh... don't tell anyone. It seems to be working


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