Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Here he is again: Mr. A (!)

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why? I'll tell you why...":

So "mean-spirited" actually means "corrupt"? Are those synonyms in your mind?

It often prevents the US, the Brits and others from acting in the global best interest.

Here you suggest that what the US and Britain want is synonymous with "the global best interest". Presumably, if the US and Britain could convince more nations of that they'd have an easier time vis-a-vis the UN -- doing what they want wise. And if they are not able to do that, then perhaps it is possible -- just possible -- that what the US and Britain want is not in "the global best interest". Like Iraq.


Mr. A:

Of course, it is possible.

But the American track record ,I believe, is unsurpassed in global history.

We are a voluntary "empire of ideas." We seek no colonial rights (not since our foolish invasion of The Phillipines.)

The results in Iraq remain to be seen. The cards are out. Our miltary forces are all volunteers.

The costs in American KIAs and treasure have been minimal, albeit individually tragic.

More people were killed in the WTC bombings than in Iraq.

Iraq has had elections, formed a new government and established a constituion.

Many of the vounteers are re-enlisting for 2nd, 3rd or 4th tours of duty.

President Bush's poll ratings are going up.

Give war a chance!

Sometimes it works surpringly well !


PS. Mr. A, try using your own name if you have such strong convictions.

I do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS. Mr. A, try using your own name if you have such strong convictions.

Just reply to the content, and for now do not worry about the identity of the author for anonymous comments. Would it make you feel better if every potential anonymous poster first made up some ID? How many non-anonymous posters actually use their own names? In any case...Why does it matter?

August 24, 2006  

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