Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Cohen Moan --- again.

There he goes again.

The WashPost's Richard Cohen, citing Niall Fergusson, says the current situation in the Middle East is reminiscent of 1938, when the skies darkened as World War II emerged. The piece is below:

Click here: Mideast Echoes Of 1938

It is bizarre. The Nazis and the Japanese had the most powerful military forces on earth.

In the U.S men were training with broomsticks instead of rifles. The draft passed by a siningle vote.

Of course, we ended up producing 100,000 aircraft.

We stuffed democracy down their throats. They rather like it now. They're pretty good at it too.

I still try not to buy German goods, although I've visited there many times --- on U.S. business.
Not me, not many of my generation of Jews.

The Muslims have one weapon: a-symmetrical warfare. That's an uptown word for terrorism.

It has worked at times.

But not when it's opponents are organized to stop them cold. Note the interceptions of the recent potential terrorists.

We probably will not get away Scot-free. Alas.

But we will prevail.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You focus exclusively on the military. Do you seriously believe the (so-called) 'War on Terror' can be won militarily? How? By killing all the terrorists?

August 23, 2006  

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