Monday, August 21, 2006

Soros v. Cheney

This was the headline:

Soros: "Cheney, Ahmadinejad 'Extremists' "


Well. George Soros, has made many billions of dollars exercising his right to swap currencies and promote that great American investment tool "the hedge fund" --- which is for rich folks only, as I understand it. He has backed looney-left candidates with regularity. He often makes weird and extremist statements (See above.) In fairness, he has done some good philanthropic work, particulalrly in Eastern Europe.

Dick Cheney has been White House Chief of Staff (when in his early Thirties.) He was a Republican Congressman (rising to minority whip, I think), Secretary of Defense and Vice President serving a (then) inexperienced President in a moment of crisis.

He was a key architecht of Iraq I, a successful endeavor, which possibly should have gone all the way to Bagdhad, but didn't. It seemed OK to me at the time; it doesn't look as good now.

He has been a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. He tried to run for President, but couldn't raise the money. (On his own time.)

He became a trustee of AEI.

He served as CEO of Halliburton, with, which it subsidiary Dresser Industries, developed techniques to get much more fossil fuel in a much more eco-friendly way than had ever been done before. (Cheney? Green?)

Cheney has said adamantly that he will not run for President in 2008. I certainly take him out his word. After all, he has health problems.

But he has had them for many years, which hasn't slowed him down. He hunts, he fishes. He travels. He does politics. He spends time with his family.

I can't think of an American with more political experience. Not much On the Job Training required.

Stranger things have happened in American politics. Much stranger.

Now he could raise the money.



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