Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rumsfeld... Not Remarkable in one way; Remarable in another.

SecDef Rumsfeld's resignation is hailed as "reamarkable."

It's not.

As far as I know in recent times only one war cabinet member has served a full eight years: The reviled and revered SecState Dean Rusk.

Rummy, regarded as nothing more than a nut 'n bolts tekkie, is more than that.

I served with him on the Board of the very idealistic Freedom House, set in motion after WWII, by the high Priestess of American liberalism Eleeanor Roosevelt.

I think he did a good job in Iraq.

So did the President, and 99% of the American miltary.

So there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he did a good job in Iraq.

So did the President, and 99% of the American miltary.

You would.

November 09, 2006  

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