Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Not so ridiculous...

Click here: Charles Krauthammer

The Jews/Hebrews are ancient folk.

According to the Old Testament, the patriarch Abraham left Terah, located in the Mesopotanian River Basin, and wandered until he and his wives, concubines, children and flocks found the Land that God had set aside for them.

That was 4,000 years ago, give or take a few months.

Following the Biblical Commandment, the Hebrews grew and they multiplied. They were exiled and killed. Some wandered again: Hence the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

According to many archeologists, The Old Testamant, and the New, are looking like pretty good archeologic evidence.

There was a Great Flood.

Apparently there was an Egyptian prince named something like Akhnematmoses. They may well have lived in the Land-a Goshen. And American slaves sang: Go down Moses, way down in Egypt laaand.

There are Jews most everywhere: In India, and in Turkey (where they still use the old Hebrew Calendar.)

Jesus died on the cross as a Jewish Rabbi. The Church of Christianity, with its many branches, began with Jews who converted.

Ethiopians stem (so it is believed) from the union of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon.

During the Spanish Inquisition many Jews converted, under the threat of torture. They became "Marranos" --- practicing, but hiding, their faith. Some historians believe that Christopher Columbus was one.

Former Secretary of State Madelaine Albright discovered that her parants had been born Jewish. Hilary Clinton claims some Jewish lineage. Now Senator Allen says his Mother just told him that she was a Jewess, although he says he eats pork.

I'm Jewsih, and proud of it. I just had a delicious pulled pork Bar-B-Q sandwich at The American Diner in Northwest D.C. --- owned by a Jew.

In the United States --- except for the Orthodox community --- Jews have very low birth and fertility rates, perhaps the lowest in the world.

European (post-Holocaust) have very few children.

Secular Jews worry that Judaism will turn into an all-Orthodox faith. But many of Orthodox children are attracted to the bright lights and big cities of New York and Tel Aviv.

So many of today's Orthodox Jews had ancestors in Eastern Europe who were Orthodox.

Many Jews have decided to convert, i.e. Jews for Jesus.

As recounted in post here earlier, secular Jews in Israel often have an "insurance baby" because they fear losing children to wars and terrorism. Every Israeli killed in war or terror is "replaced" by ten or so new babies.

Among the modern secular nations of the world Israeli Jews have --- by far --- the highest birth and fertility rates.

I recently met an Orthodox woman from Israel who had five children. Her sister had eleven. If the five children each have five children and the eleven children each have eleven --- and the geometricty of demography proceeds, there are going to be growing numbers of Jews, in a world that is losing population.

Lots of human beings have Jewish ancestors.

And lots of others are descended form the Mongol hordes of Ghengis Khan.

In the American Southwest many Americans brag that they are part American Indian. Tiger Woods has American Indian, Thai, and African roots. He proudly calls himself an Amerasian. He is married to stunning blond Scandinavian woman.

No comparison to anything --- Heaven forfend --- but they do say that mutts are the strongest, hardiest and smartest of dogs. In botany hybrids are among the strongest and hardiest strains of plant life.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Genetic diversity can also have a downside, medically: for example, it is known that mixed race people are difficult to treat via an organ transplant -- it is much, much more difficult to find a suitable donor for them.

October 12, 2006  

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