Friday, October 13, 2006

Believe it or not ! ! !

Some wonderful tekkies, at the office and at home have ascertained that I have posted about 400 blogs. ! ! !

Some are flash news --- the markets etc.

But some are more pensive: The nature of the universe, how many things you can think of at one time, how many different ways people kill people, are human beings the only species that kills its own kind? etc. etc. etc.

Some of my viewers just want hard news: Politics, geo-politics, demographics etc.

But I love the ruminative ones.

I'm me. They are them.

If they don't like what I'm doing --- don't read it.

(I also just got a keyboard with an optical mouse ! Technophobia be gone.)

Last question for now: How can I gain some mass distribution and cross-linking for this blog? Some sites have scores of links: The Australian, Al Jazeera, The Jerusalem Post etc.

I can't believe the web-masters got them one-by-one, begging, as I am doing.

How do you get a bunch at a time?

Do any of you know ?

Ben wrote:

> Many many thanks...
> Can you estimate how many posts I have?
> My *&^%!! computer only shows the last few days...
> In my dream world I want to publish some of them as a companion volume to my
> new book Tales of NeoCon.
> I love the format. It fits my quirky style just fine.
> Thanks
> Blogger Ben
> Ben J. Wattenberg
> American Enterprise Institute
> 1150 17th St. NW
> Washington D.C. 20036
> 202-862-5908_ Bwattenberg@aei.org_ (
> Fax: 202-862-5821
> or
> Ben J. Wattenberg
> 3003 Van Ness St. NW
> (Apt. W-433)
> Washington D.C. 20008
> (202-363-2821)_ wattenberg@aol.com_ (
> Fax:202-363-1075
Glad to help. I've enjoyed your work in the past, and look forward to
your book.

--Bob Waters


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some wonderful tekkies, at the office and at home have ascertained that I have posted about 400 blogs. ! ! !

You have only one blog.

A blog is a collection of posts, or entries. So you have posted a total of over 400 times to your blog. Or written (and posted) a total of over 400 blog entries.

October 14, 2006  

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