Thursday, September 07, 2006

World class town ---

A whole area of Northwest DC was almost impenetrable today.

Why? The World Premiere of The Guardian.

Not in NYNY. Not in Hollywood. In DC, a wonderful town.

Washington, by my lights, has beccome the capitol of the world, for good or for ill.

We see it on our television program Think Tank. Anyone we want to want to book comes through here, or will come through here if we ask. Sometimes on their dime ( ! )

I see it at my home base The American Enterprise Institute, almost surely the most influential think tank anywhere. Right, left or center, foreign or domestic, leaders of politics, business and sometimes culture come to put forth their views.

C-Span often covers the proceedings. Journalists attend. The remarks get wheels.

Which is what we are trying with this blog --- so far with only partial success.



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