Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I met Brian Lamb when the Pope John XXIII appeared at St. Matthew's Cathedral about a block away from AEI. He told me of his plans for "C-Span." I nodded sagely --- but didn't understand what he was talking about.
Later, I appeared in their first studio; an apartment in Arlington VA (?), and still later across from the Capitol. Twice, I seem to recall, I appeared together with my son Danny (also a writer) on a series called "Father and Sons."
Brian, from Indiana, had worked for President Nixon and at the Department of Defense (As I recall it.)
But, unlike my program Think Tank, what appears on C-Span is totally neutral. They covered the entirety of the Million Man March.
(Of course C-Span is a huge operation and ours is small; but we're working on it --- more programs, co-hosts, blogs. It's fascinating --- and frustrating.)


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