Tuesday, February 20, 2007


--- The message cannot be delivered to the following address. ---
Mailbox unknown or not accepting mail.
550 , Recipient unknown

I really was counting on hearing from good old --- hadji-zadeh@beic.osi-az.org Mailbox unknown or not accepting mail. 550 , Recipient unknown

How sad to end a most remarkable number of days on such a sour note.

I sure hope someone fixes the Internet.

Pic of Internet goes here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Al Gore can fix the internet, afterall he invented it.

February 21, 2007  
Blogger Ben Wattenberg said...

Al Gore can do most anything --- very well. Just ask him to tell you about it. (Big pic of AG with mouth wide open)

What Simon says is almost always right. If Simon sends me a picture I will post it --- along with that of young but wise owl.

February 21, 2007  

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