Saturday, October 07, 2006

GHWB #41

Click here: - Bushes christen dad's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier - Oct 7, 2006

President George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the U.S., was fine man and an authentic war hero.

His Innaugural address called for a "kinder gentler America," a bit of a slap at President Ronald Reagan. But, by my lights, that made sense. We are a very wealthy nation and should take care of the least among us.

But he was a realist, not an idealist, when it came to foreign policy. I believe, as do/did most Neo-Cons --- before some of them jumped ship --- that we need a blend of both.

So we didn't push on to Bagdhad and topple Saddam Hussein --- an evil man who used weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) --- poison gas --- on his own people.

His son, President George W. Bush (#43) has engaged American troops --- all volunteers --- in a Coalition of the Willing --- to help bring human right to those who seek it and ask for our aid.

#43 did not know much about foreign policy when he started out. But he chose what was regarded by most everyone as the most experienced foreign policy team --- ever. Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rodman, Perle, Abrams, etc.

No one knows how the Iraq #2 will turn out. Anyone who says they know the outcome --- is either a fool or liar.

I think we will prevail, and change the world for the better, not for the first time.



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