Thursday, August 17, 2006

Patrick J. Buchanan ...

Pat is an old friend of mine.

No; I do not think he is anti-Semitic.

But his new book State of Emergency --- The Third World Invasion And Conquest Of America (St Martin's Press $24.95) is a re-hash of the same old stuff. "The Mexican are Coming!" La Reconquiata, wetbacks, Oswald Spengler, John O'Sullivan and Peter Brimelow (two anti-immigration ex-Brits --- the former a nice fellow, the latter rather mean-spirited man who runs a near-racist Website, Toynbee, Jean Raspail, --- America must be a dying civilzation.

"Mongrelization" --- not his word --- will do that.


Immigration, I believe, is America's greatest "comparative advantage." We will be the only growing nation, when others are shrinking due to plummetting birth and fertility rates. We will have the hands to work hard, people who will advance themselves and their children, providing production and markets.

The Mexican-Americans I know work hard, have "traditional values." Like PJB, most are Catholic.

By the second generation most all speak English.

Yes there are gangs and violence --- they pick up the good and the bad from America.

Pat has nicely inscribed his book to me. Thanks, Pat.

Get real.

Note: I am going to Long Island this weekend. I am taking a laptop, but I am not at all sure I will be able to file.


Blogger Ben Wattenberg said...

My dear Dobeln,

When you say:

"Virtually all social statistics for the group as a whole range between disappointing and dismal - for several generations. And that, in the end, is what counts."

You are, I believe, dead wrong.

The Hispanic community (which BTW includes people from Spain {!}) is upwardly mobile, learns English within a generation, and is patriotic.

Mexican-Americans have won more Congression Medals-Honor (the US of A's highest military decoration) than any other group, proportionate to their numbers. (DOD data.)


August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you believe in comparative demographic analysis? Which is the study of differences across identifiable and defineable population groups. Such data clearly shows that when compared to the existing US population, Hispanics -- the (by far) fastest growing segment of the US population - are, on average, 1) a lot more likely to be criminal, and 2) a lot less likely to achieve academically, i.e. to finish high school and then to attend college. And these disparities persist for generations; indeed, there is really no evidence that they will ever disappear. So I'm wondering: How can importing so many of them, en masse, via immigration, legal and illegal, to the point of demographic change, possibly be a long-term advantage for the US

Another question: Do you believe it is 'nativist', 'xenophobic', or in some way morally wrong, to want to preserve America's national demographic heritage as a majority white nation? And to advocate for a change in immigration law -- or enforcement of the laws we have -- in order to achieve this?

August 21, 2006  

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