Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Click here: Judah Wattenberg, Technion Executive, 96 - Free Preview - The New York Times

Ten years ago today my father Judah Wattenberg passed away.

He was born on 12/20/1899 --- and thus came close to living in three centuries.

He was a remakable man.

At the beginning of WWI his family fled from Galicia to Vienna toward the friendly Germans.

At age 17+ he was on his way to the front as a Lieutenant in the Austrian Army --- when the Armistice was declared.

And so, as he would often say, "I took my rifle and went to Palestine."

Where he contracted malaria and severe poverty.

He came to NYNY to cure both.

He attended Columbia Law School --- with the likes of William O. Douglas and Thomas Dewey.

Where he met my mother, who had emigrated to Ottoman Palestine in 1904.

I am named for her father S. Ben-Zion a famous poet, publisher and essayist.

There is a street in Tel Aviv called Shderot Bentzion.

The story of how my father met my mother is --- for my money --- one of the great love stories of all time.


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