Thursday, September 28, 2006

I do not think that all that is right...

Check out IRS Yanks Democratic Leadership Council Tax Status

The Democratic Leadership Council sprung from the fertile mind of Rep Gillis Long D.LA at the 1984 Democratic Leadership.

In some ways it was modelled on the Coalition for a Democratic Majority which I helped launched and was running out of steam when the DLC was formed.

The DLC and CDM had some talks about joining forces but it was not to be.

DLC Members are elected officials and somewhat circumspect in their statements.

Many CDMers snorted fire.

But two go-to-guys in DLC land, President Al From of the DLC and Will Marshall of it's twin The Progressive Policy Instutehave, I believe, been theri since day one. Marshall is no pussy-cat and From calls Loony Lefties "liberal ayatollahs."

Irony: A real mensch from NYNY has/was been (I believe) the biggest funder for President Clinton, the biggest funder for DLC/PPI and the biggest funder for Think Tank.

Bill Clinton was the first Chairman of the DLC. My sense of the matter is he learned a great deal from the DLC, ignored it, in his first two years in office, and consequently took his party down in flames. He then saw the error of his ways, and won in 1996,

I predicted that Sen Bob Dole would win.

Take me for what I'm worth



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