Friday, August 25, 2006

Yes, but...

Click here: Council for Secular Humanism

Humanist Paul Kurtz has been peddling these papers for a long time. Some of his points make some real sense. Some don't.

I find myself becoming more religious. It's hard.

I am not a creationist, an evangelical, a fundamentalist, an Orthodox Jew, a Modern Orthodox Jew --- etc.

But the narrative of the Old Testament has some real validity.

Last night on the History Channel, I saw a recounting of the Exodus from Egypt by the Hebrews. This has long been discounted as myth.

But a team of archeologists, linguists and historians showed that the tale had real validity: plagues, floods, insects etc.

And it demonstrated that there most likely was a real person named Moses, (or with a roughly equivalent Egyptian name) that he led the enslaved Hebrews across the Red Sea and likely went to Mount Sinai.

I do not think The Bible ought to be taken literally (I doubt that Methusalah live to age 900) but it is has something real to tell us. The King James translation is probably the most important book ever published.



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